Healthy Spirituality

Lesson OUtcomes and Objectives
Healthy Spirituality Outcome

Every leader, rooted in our triune God to the core, growing in theological proficiency is loved and able to love and lead others from this center.

Lesson Objective

The hope of this lesson is to learn how crucial it is to care for our souls. In this lesson, we will also learn strategies for how to care for our souls and be prompted to create a plan of how to care for our souls for the next year.

Philippines 2:13-14: “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

Evidence of this objective at the senior level looks like this:

  • Has a growing spiritual maturity (prayer, spiritual disciplines, generosity, church, fellowship).
  • Has a growing theological proficiency in areas vital to Kingdom leadership
  • The leader joyfully lives the disciplines of sabbath rhythm, gathering/community/service with the greater church body,
  • Growth in prayer, Growth in the knowledge of the Word,
  • Growth in living our intimacy with the Lord in other various spiritual disciplines as he/she is propelled to do the works created in advance by the Lord.
  • Greater Holy Spirit dependence
Soul Care Teaching

As we look at our Next Kid Framework, we see the base of the diagram is healthy spirit-led leaders. We conceptually know this to be true at every level of leadership - from the volunteer leader through to VPs and even the president. If our leadership is not connected to the Holy Spirit, we are not healthy leaders to build a healthy ministry. It is vital for us to talk about the status of our souls and the souls of those we lead.

In this teaching we will hear how vital it is to care for our souls as well as some ways to care for our souls. In Nairobi, we also learned several spiritual disciplines that we can practice which are also mentioned here in addition to others.

Why is it crucial to our roles and our lives to care for our souls?

How do we care for our souls?


SPIRItual Disciplines

One major way of caring for our souls is through Spiritual Disciplines. In Nairobi we learned a few spiritual disciplines:

  • Discovery Bible Study: Kavita video - coming soon
  • Lectio Divina: Alejo video - coming soon
  • Listening to the Lord: Chim Video - coming soon
  • The Examen: Clark video - coming soon

Other Spiritual disciples can help you grow deeper in your relationship with God. Lectio Divina.

  • Journaling
  • The practice of the Sabbath - A weekly Sabbath as well as a monthly full-day Sabbath from ministry
  • The practice of the Presence of the Lord
Accountability Tools

Let's build some accountability into using (tool). Which of these statements best describes your use of the Next Kid Framework as it relates to Healthy Spirituality?

  • Every leader has a consistent devotional time with the LORD and has a way to retain what God is teaching them like the Journal (HAVE)
  • Leaders are sharing what they’re learning or “dropping” their Journals regularly with someone else (ACTIVE)/
  • You and your leaders, all, regularly use some form of the Journals as part of deepening sharing in Leader meetings, Training or Retreats (SHARED)
  • There’s an ongoing, clear plan of how to encourage leaders in their time with the Lord and their Journal (to share it with others) as the base of their ministry (GROWING)

Reflect on where you and your teams are in these accountability questions. Where do you want your team to be? How can you get you and your team to that space?

Your divisional iRep will follow up with you on how you are using the tool attached to this lesson using the above accountability questions.

Call to Action
  1. Pick one discipline you want to practice on a regular basis.
  2. Branch conversation: Share it with your supervisor and come up with an accountability plan where your supervisor can support you in this journey.
  3. Develop a plan for the next year to work towards a healthy spirituality and share the plan with your divisional group.