
Teaching Principle - The why

As Holy Spirit-led leaders we are to have visions that are God-led and God-sized. The below teaches about having God-sized visions. Watch this video to learn about God-sized dreams.

Alexis Kwamy - Vice President Africa South

Country/Area Director - ​ Ivan Penafiel (Ecuador)

SHaring Stories

Watch these videos of i100 participants and others sharing their maps from different levels of leadership. Take note of how they speak differently about their vision and maps due to their roles and scope of responsibility.

Next we will reflect on how you are using this tool.

Billy Boyle as an Operational Director

Next kid framework in action

Let's build some accountability into using the MAP. The below statements are a progression of how you use your MAP meaning that they build on each other. The statements flow from HAVE to ACTIVE to SHARED to GROWING. Consider how you use your MAP and where in the progression you are.

  1. Every club has a shared map that rolls up into the area, region, and division. (HAVE)
  2. The dream Map reflects the God-sized future dream to which they feel called. (ACTIVE)
  3. The club team leader and Area Director can name the clubs being developed now to be fully established over the next 6-12 months. ​ (i.e. there is a clear plan and hopes for the next six months to a year). (SHARED)
  4. There is a leader responsible for this with an action plan of how to do it (GROWING)

Reflect on where you are in using your MAP. Be prepared to share this in your divisional time and how you want to move forward in using your vision MAP

Your divisional iRep will follow up with you on how you are using the tool attached to this lesson using the above accountability questions


Call to Action
  1. Meet with your supervisor and discuss what you have learned. Share where you felt encouraged and where you felt challenged.
  2. Using the guide provided pray and spend time with the Lord. Ask Him to reveal to you His vision for your geography. (attached as PDF - see below). Be prepared to share about your time in prayer with your division. ​
  3. Practice your 2-minute and 10-minute vision explanation with your supervisor and your 1st branch. Get feedback from them.
  4. Meet with your divisional group to learn more.

Get your Prayer Guide Here

Look how Chico is sharing his map these days!