Community Engagement Part 2


Welcome back to the lesson on Community Engagement. Now that we have learned what the bible says about stewardship, let's talk about how this impacts our roles. No matter what role you have in Young Life, you are responsible for engaging your community and inviting others into the vision the Lord has for your ministry. As we take on greater responsibility in the mission, we only need to grow more in how we engage others to reach the vision - especially financially. Today we will talk about how we do that.

Biblical Examples

As you go through the following lessons, some material may be familiar if you have gone through stewardship training. The ideas will be reinforced in these lessons as we can always grow in these areas with ourselves and with those we lead. It is good to think of how to develop these skills for yourself but also for your 1st branch.

Story Sharing

Alejo from testimony about building a community of adults locally.

Zein Tembo - locally and US Regional Teams

Prayer strategy

Introduction to the tools to raise funds. Tool: Prayer strategy. Tool: List

We are going to build tools that will help us be more equipped to invite people to partner with us.

Matthew 9:38 - prayer list

  • Several types of lists: Kids, leaders, partners. We will focus on the list of financial partners.
  • It is important to have a prayer strategy that helps you be intentional about setting aside time to pray about this.
  • Build a community of prayer partners.

Show an example of how to build the list and some helpful tips to consider:

  • Brainstorm names (don’t say no for anyone, give them the opportunity to get invited).
  • Suggestions on how to grow your list: Family, friends, neighbors, people from church, YL alumni, business people in the community, classmates from school, high school, university, etc.

Let's build some accountability into using the LIST. The below statements are a progression of how you use your LIST meaning that they build on each other. The statements flow from HAVE to ACTIVE to SHARED to GROWING. Consider how you use your LIST and where in the progression you are.

  1. Every leader has a List/LISTS they are keeping current (HAVE)
  2. It’s a list/LISTS that is actively updated and prayed over often (ACTIVE)
  3. The Club coordinator, Area Director, and you can see how these lists are leading to inviting people to be involved and support the ministry in some way (SHARED)
  4. There is an ongoing, clear plan of how to encourage leaders in their lists at every level (GROWING)

Reflect on where you are in using your LIST. Be prepared to share this in your divisional time and how you want to move forward in using your vision LIST.

Call to ACtion
  1. Build or grow your list of potential financial partners to at least 100 people. Ask your supervisor to keep you accountable for this.
  2. Start putting into practice your prayer strategy.