

In this lesson and work with your division, you will focus on developing the vision for your ministry. The desired outcome is for you to be:

A leader that has a God-planted vision (MAP) of what their ministry currently looks like, could look like, and will look like including movement toward the next kid in the next place. This leader gathers and equips a called community to join them in the mission and inspires others to create visions of their own.

Scripture: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Evidence of Senior LEaders demonstrating this objective looks like:

As a mission leader over a given geography…living and leading others in this:

  • Has a vision MAP that is regularly prayed over and shared with others. ​
  • Is led by a missionary mindset of urgency to go and reach the next place, the next kid, and all kinds of kids in your geography.
  • Understands and leads the ministry as a volunteer movement.
  • Can articulate the big dream (vision) for their geography that only God can do.
  • Analyzes ministry well to see the needs, opportunities, threats, and strengths to help with strategic planning and follow-through to move from a dream, to plan, to reality.
Teaching Principle - The why

As Holy Spirit-led leaders we are to have visions that are God-led and God-sized. The below teaches about having God-sized visions. Watch these videos to learn about God-sized dreams.

Lipton Gain (Bangladesh)

Stepa Ruslan Velilyaev ( Kazakhstan Almaty)

Big vision lived out

See how the principle of dreaming God-sized dreams is lived out through these stories.

Young Life leaders around the world are already living this to have God-size visions. Watch the videos below from other i100 participants to hear some stories of God-size visions:

540 is the story of a ridiculous, God-sized dream for YL in the Dominican Republic in 2012. A dream around almost tripling in one year the number of students going to camp who would have a chance to meet Jesus - 198 teens to 540 teens at camp. ​ This dream sounded ridiculous since camp already had been a lot of work. ​ So why would God call us to something so likely to fail? How could we even begin to hope to recruit that many teens to camp? Where would we find enough leaders to do it well? How would we pay for it? Why would we set a goal that was highly likely to fail because it was impossible? ​ The questions were real and not easy to answer. ​ But 540 marked the ministry of Young Life in the Dominican Republic in a way that continues today. Listen to Rafa Alejo explain a little more about how this happened and what the Lord did in the Dominican Republic through a ridiculous, God-sized dream.

*The final song is about 540, written and recorded by some volunteer leaders who were so impacted by this miracle.

Rafa Alejo (Dominican Republic)